Drawing Sheep

2 sheeps grazing
2 watercolour sheeps grazing

Hi there, how are you?

This week I came across a video of Glenn Vilppu drawing animals. I’ve seen videos of him drawing before and always found them fascinating, I decided to have a go myself following his lesson.

He was drawing live goats, I wanted to use photos I’d taken but goats are quite hairy and it’s hard to see the bone structure so I’ve used some photos of sheep I’d taken a few years back. The sheep had all been sheared which made it a little easier to see the shapes.

I drew a few in pencil trying to work out the shapes, these are not finished so the construction lines and mistakes are all here. I’m leaving it like this so that future me can see how I drew them and work out how I did it.

sheeps under construction
Sheeps under construction

Then I coloured a few with watercolour. (top image and the one directly below) The scanner doesn’t like the colours but they look OK I think.

sheep head
Sheep head

I also drew and inked some with brown ink; I used a water brush to pull out some of the ink for the shadows. I think I like the inky ones best.

sheeps drawn in brown ink
Sheeps drawn in brown ink

I think maybe I’ll have to look up some skeletons to really get the benefit if this way of drawing to learn where everything is supposed to be. More practice me thinks.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by. Till next time, have fun x

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