New Rose Shoots

new rose shootA new rose shoot.

Hello, how are you?

The rose at the bottom of the garden like everything is bursting into life.

The leaves range in colour from bright oranges to deep magenta depending on the amount of sunshine and the time of day, sitting like tiny jewels in the garden.

We’ve had a small amount of snow and the fingers get very cold so after a very brief time sketching outside I decided to take photos and finish drawing later inside.

Above the sun shining through the leaves they appear in beautiful shades of orange.

Below a quick ink sketch in red ink. Too cold for anything more.

ink sketch of rose shoots
A quick ink sketch of some rose shoots.

Perched at the top of the plant is a solitary dried roe hip from last year, time to prune it off but first a small drawing to remember it by.

It was drawn with pencil and a light wash of watercolour to add a little life.

It was interesting after looking closely to pick out the colours, some faded pinks and blues as well as the usual browns and greys.

dried rose hip
A dried rose hip.

A few more small studies of new rose shoots, this time they had less sunshine so appear darker and pinker. They’re outlined with either black or brown fine liner I really enjoy the variance in colour.I really enjoy the variance in colour.

new rose shoots
more new rose shoot studies.

It wont be long before the reds and oranges turn to a deep dark green, then there will be buds and flowers to draw.

Not much drawing to speak of in the last few weeks due to elder care issues, the reality is that I do what I can when there is time. Hopefully I’ll get back into the rhythm of things soon.

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by. Till next time, have fun x

6 thoughts on “New Rose Shoots

  1. Wow, very nice paintings of the Rose Shoots, it is nice to know somewhere in the world is finally experiencing spring. We still have at least half a foot of snow covering the ground. You really did a good job at capturing the textures and veins in your leaves.

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